night of the senses 2008
home sweet home

The 2008 Night of the Senses

The 2008 Night of the Senses on 12th September in Mass and Babalou, SW London was a sell-out. The layout of the venue allowed us to construct cosy corners with the introduction of Novice Avenue and its Alcoves of Learning.

There was a very special atmosphere at the 2008 Ball, guests feeling bonded by the shared disappointment of not being able to invite people with mobility impairments, because of the lift breaking down. Thankfully, plenty of disabled people were still able to attend, and their presence was doubly appreciated.

Guests were greeted at the sumptuous Hospitality Desk, from which friendliness and laughter flowed. “It is nice to feel accepted” whispered a shy recluse dressed in bow tie and cock ring. Everyone agreed that, although there were plenty of gorgeous and stunning looking guests, beauty is not the same as sexy, disabled people can be included in sexual activities, and public sex does not have to be sleazy, exploitative, or selfish. Guests were also very aware that, and appreciated the fact that all their ticket money and donations were going to support a very special charity, Outsiders, for disabled men and women to find partners.

The evening began early in the Marquee, where the winners of the Erotic Awards were announced by disabled presenter Miss Diva Hollywood. Then came the presentations of the Flying Penis Trophies, followed by yet another spectacular Erotic Awards stage show. Joy, whose delicious outfit had taken a solid week to make, won Striptease Artist of the Year. Eva Reiser who had worked equally hard on her outfits, won Fashion Designer. Transgender Lazlo with all his foodstuffs, won Performance Artist. Katie Sarra, Artist of the Year, painted the performances from the balcony.

The audience then spilled out into the various palaces of pleasure. There was the Salon of the Senses, where people were treated to all kinds of sensation, the Fuck for Forest Film Studio, the Dark Room, the Electrical Experience, Foot Kissing, Cautious Caning, Breast Fondling, as well as the usual drinking, dining and dancing.

Slowly, couples made their way into the Sensuality Chamber serenaded by jazz singer Léone. She wrote later on her blog,

It was the best gig I have done. I sang whatever came into my head, and it was so liberating. Perhaps the permissive atmosphere of the room had freed me from fear of judgement for my singing in the same way that it had freed others to express their sexuality. It was beautiful.”

In the Café Shebeen, artist Robin Whitmore sat and listened to people's fantasies while he drew the the image it conjured up, on a piece of paper which was then projected onto a huge blank wall. On the other side of the room, women queued up to sit on the Climax Machines, 32 choosing with dildo, and 18 without dildo, a total of 50 women enjoying 236 orgasms. On a raised stage, ingenious dungeon contraptions offered BDSM experiences created by Infernal Mechanix, including a yellow see-saw with dildo seating. Delicious Ice Creams were served by Artisan

Being a fine late-summer night, tables and chairs were provided outside beside a regal tent called Tea and Empathy, which welcomed people who felt like a cuppa and a cuddle. Slarty in his sou'wester waited patiently beside the Golden Pond, hoping to be pissed on, and pissed on he was, when a gaggle of five zesty ladies arrived with that aim, aiming right on him – splashing him senseless.

The Cabaret of the Senses took place on stage at 1am in front of a heaving, packed audience. Presented by the beautiful and charming Andrea, the show began with Empress Stah who had her vicious way with a blow-up man. Sweet Tiny Tamara followed, then Chiqui. Rumpshaker gave us longer than usual to admire his amazing body before he stuck his manhood through Marilyn's mouth. Finally, Mouse came on stage with her usual collection of liquids and lotions to spray all over the audience plus a new act involving gold fish.

At 4am, our Queen of Mess, Mouse, led a team of sploshers with buckets of messy cream and foam into the garden and they sploshed each other, as well as a few game guests with white stuff.

The prize for the Most Outrageous Sex went to a Swiss couple and a big black Londoner. She was suspended between the two, roast spit style, supporting herself by athletic ingenuity. Second in place was a divine performance of Miss Sue on the floor with a couple of strangers, with her 72 year old boyfriend watching on. Third prize went to the Golden Pond brigade. The winners are invited to a free night at Britain's poshest swing club, Liberty Elite.

Despite our carefully designed safe chambers for those wanting to indulge without unwanted intrusion, the North African diner, Calabar Café became deliciously bacchanalian, as did the landings and dance floor. Girls sat in the Boyz Back Room to watch pulsating mounds of men, and Writer of the Year, James Lear paraded around the venue with his Flying Penis Trophy clasped between his upper thighs.

One guest remarked, whilst collecting his pet Begonia from the Hospitality Desk at the end of the night, “Life is so dull under the Saxons”.

Here are a couple of the feedback messages that came afterwards:

“I congratulate you on the Night of the Senses. I have been to numerous sex events/parties/clubs and what struck me about NoS, was the friendliness that rippled through the whole event.  I know that sex parties have the potential for competition, comparison, aggression but none of this was apparent and it was a very allowing and fun and sexy space.” Sue Newsome of Shakti Tanta

“ It's heaven on earth to have freedom of sex n enjoyment”  Anon

“I just love coming along and I owe you for a string of best-nights-of-the-year and a ton of self-discovery”. Anon


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